Krispy Kreme |  Ad Campaign
Designed a three-stage advertising campaign for Krispy Kreme's Donuts that includes a donut truck, and packaging, as well as both banner and social media ads.
one of the challenges of this project was to blend the realistic aspects with the illustrated aspects, such as the pedestal with the "sun rays" while making it fun and unique.
Humble Brag

Sketches & Ideations
During the sketch phase, I had to deliberate and experiment with the sketches multiple times due to the connection each design has with the tag lines associated. The tag lines are the basis of the campaigns so their association was significant. this was a major challenge that resulted in the set of poster sketches below.
Final Iteration
Using the idea of a “Humble brag” this design aims to put the spotlight on Krispy Kreme’s signature glazed donut, —although this design is modular for any other donut the client decides to use.
Different social platforms
Here are different formats and variants for ease of use across different uses, making it easier to use across platforms and locations, such as skyscrapers, billboards, full mobile screens, etc.
A series of mockups and posters that showcase the different aspects of the campaign, including the food truck, several poster locations and settings as well as social media advertising posts.

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