Shift 22 |  Branding Design
Created a logo as well as posters and other branding elements using the fictional Shift 22 conference as a basis.
Shift 22 was a challenge for me as it required a lot of trial and error to get the feeling of the conference put into the logo and poster, but ultimately became one of my better projects and showcased consistency in my design skills.

Sketches & Ideations
The Shift 22 logo combines the themes of intellectual discussion being shared in the conference, with the modern and innovative mentality that went into the creation of the event. Due to this, I decided to opt for a refined logo showcasing the classic "i" for intelligence marker.
Final Logo
This is ultimately what I decided to go with, as it felt the best to use in the rest of the branding and enabled me to put more focus into the other aspects of the branding that accentuate and amplify the goals of this logo.
Final Iteration
Utilizing the symbol of high status/power — The pedestal, This design uses a subtle nod to collapsing themes to inspire thought into people when viewing this work, and subsequently the conference itself
 Here are some mockups showcasing what some flyers, banners, ID card holders, and more would look like when viewing the conference.

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